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Retreat to Nature






Relax, Reflect and Recharge

 Wellness for the mind, body and soul.

Located 10 km north of Brockville, Lamb's Pond is a small lake which drains into Golden Creek, Lyn Creek and eventually the St Lawrence River.  Part of the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority Watershed Area, Lamb's Pond  is a designated Provincially Significant Wetland, an  example of one of the most productive and biologically diverse habitats on the planet.

Lamb's Pond is unique in that few private residences are located along the shores giving the lake and surrounding area a unique oasis of wild untouched "wilderness".  Lamb's Pond Nature Retreat evolved out of one of the private residences in 2019.  Shelley Gallagher and Mark Jenkins built their home in 1996. Recently they  have  welcomed guests and clients to access and share this unique eological  space through a variety of  workshops, retreats and airBnb accommodation.

Clients and guests  have easy access to unique wild gathering spaces, where they can experience deeper connections to nature.

 Mark and Shelley are honoured to be  stewards of this 18 acre parcel of land nestled along  shorelines of a Provincially Significant Wetland. 

This is truly a unique retreat space showcasing  harmony between people and nature. 



"In today's busy technologically dominated lifestyle, many humans live without meaningful connections to the natural world. The evolution of Lamb's Pond mirrors my own personal journey; discovering the healing powers of nature and ultimately reconnecting to my own true nature, where anything is possible."

~Shelley Gallagher~



“This is such a special place of relaxation and healing. The owner has gone to great lengths to make this property a thoughtful and meaningful experience. This is by far one of the nicest places I have visited in the region and I would return in a heartbeat!”


~Nadine Brittan-Ibrahin,

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